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Email is at Twinsies@Twinsietalk.com


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Hi - I'm the NEW Twinsie!

Hi Everyone!
Since I am a new Twinsie, I thought I should probably introduce myself.  I’m a little giddy, I always wondered what it would be like to have a twin!! 
My name is Brenda Wright, I live in Sioux City, Iowa (west coast of Iowa).  I have been married to my best friend, Darin for 16 years, in May.  We’ve been together for 23 years. WOW, that makes me feel old!  We have three beautiful daughters; Taelyr, 19; Kaelyn, 13; and Jaemee, 6.  They keep us busy.
I am relatively new to this “reading” thing.  If you would have asked me a year ago to “read” a book, I would have laughed in your face and told you “I don’t READ!”  I could read about 2-3 pages at a time, because it always put me to sleep.  Well, in May of 2012, I heard people talking on the radio about some 50 Shades of some color book.  A few days later, I saw it in the store.  It was a THICK book, I read the back cover and saw that it was one of three books.  I said OH HELL NO!  I can’t read THREE books this thick!!  I DON’T read!!  A few days later, a friend at work told me that she was reading a book that I HAD to read!  Of course, it was the same book.  So reluctantly, I did.  I downloaded an app and I bought the whole trilogy!  That was a big commitment to me to get ALL THREE at the same time.  Boy, I was glad that I did.  I read all three of the of the books in 5 days.  I was so sad (now I know it as a “book hangover”) that after 2 days, I read them all again.  It only took 4 days the second time.  I loved it even more!! 
And that’s how it all started….I have been reading ever since.  I’ve read well over 120 books since then.  I just can’t stop.  My kids keep threatening to take all electronic devices away from me!  It hasn’t happened yet!  They love their iPhones too much!
Back in December, I was approached by a new author, Andrea Smith, about possibly editing her third book that she was just beginning.  I was thrilled!  It was a new experience for me.  I did her third book, then went back and edited her first and second books.  Since then, she’s written two more!  I love her stories!
A few months ago, I was invited to a special Facebook page with the best girls you could ever “talk” to!  We share everything together.  And when I say “everything”,  I MEAN “EVERYTHING!”  We have all become fast friends!  One of those great ladies approached me last night about joining this wonderful blog page.  I have been following it for months, so I was familiar with their work.  Of course, I had to say YES!  So here I am….
I am excited to start “officially” reading for you all!  I hope I can write reviews that will help you want to read great books.  I am pretty much a “tell it like it is” kind of girl.  I have learned after years of being a “people pleaser” that “Ain’t nobody got time for that” (I quote a famous lady from the internet!). 
So, that’s pretty much everything about me.  I hope to start my first book soon!  Thanks again for the warm welcome!


  1. YEAH Brenda!! I am so excited that you are gonna be a Twinsie!!! Thaks for joining up with us three FS or Freaky Sisters are you will grow to know!!! Angie J

  2. Welcome! I enjoyed reading your post.
