Book Blurb:
For Jake, it's always been Gillian
been her since that day she unknowingly stole a piece of his
heart.....when he watched her fall for one of his best friends. Resolved
to the fate that she couldn't be his, he locked up the deeper emotions
he felt for her and loved her as a friend. As friends, they went through
it all together. Marriages, births, divorces and even death. But when a
shameful secret Gillan has kept from her friends is revealed, Jake
realizes that she needs him more than ever. He knew what it was like to
go through heartbreak and he wasn't about to stand back and watch her
endure it alone. He also knew she would turn to him for support. What he
wasn't prepared for was the return of the emotions he had long ago
locked away. Could he control these emotions again and did he even want
to? Could he make her realize his love for her was real, or would she
slip through his fingers again?

A scene where Jake finally gets to kiss Gillian =)
that his other arm was free, he wrapped it around Gillian and just held
her against him. He pressed his face into her hair and smiled as her
scent filled his nose, livening his senses. His body was on edge with
need, especially since her hands were idly stroking a small area above
his waistband. He just needed one more kiss—a real kiss. Sliding his
hand up her back and burying it in her hair, he tilted her head back so
she had no choice but to look at him. Her eyes met his gaze as he slowly
leaned into her, and said softly, “I'm sorry, but I just can’t wait any
longer to do this.” Pressing his lips against hers, he felt them soften
and mold to his, before he let his tongue glide along the seam. Feeling
her softness, tasting her, wanting more, he used his hand in her hair
to position her for the perfect angle as he pressed his tongue through
the barrier of her lips.
felt her tongue slide out to meet his, and he couldn’t control the
rumble of satisfaction that escaped him as his body responded to hers.
The hands that had been at his low back were now digging into his skin
through his shirt, spurring him on further even as he felt her tongue
slip into his mouth. He wanted to devour her, take all of her inside him
and keep her all to himself. It was like he couldn’t get her close
enough as the two of them stood in her living room, making out, with
their sons in the next room. Jake wanted to care, but couldn’t bring
himself to do it. This kiss had been a long time coming, and he wasn’t
going to apologize for this inherent need to have her. Her lips on his,
her tongue stroking his, her nails digging into his back, his body
tightened further, and he pressed his hips forward so she knew exactly
what she was doing to him. She moaned in response and pressed her hips
back into his … Oh yeah, he was a goner for sure.
wanting to stop, but knowing he had to, Jake slowed down the kiss. He
let his lips linger against hers for a moment before he gently sucked
her lower lip into his mouth one more time before pulling back. When he
looked down at her, he could actually see the lust hazing her eyes as
she opened them, and a slow smile spread across her face. He rubbed a
finger across her now swollen bottom lip, reveling in the softness and
the fact that he could touch them—that they were his now. He sighed in
contentment and said, “Sorry, but I couldn’t wait another minute to do
that. I hope I didn’t embarrass you in front of Allie, but I really
missed you.”
let out one of those adorable snorts of hers before saying, “To feel
embarrassed, I would have to be aware of people around me. I can only
see you right now, Jake.”
This scene starts with one of my favorite lines of the book =)
ended the kiss and looked her in the eyes. There was questioning in his
eyes … waiting for an answer. “Can I have you Gillian?” She lifted one
hand up and gently swept back the lock of hair that had fallen forward
into his face. Her hand followed the hair back on his head as she ran
her fingers through the thick locks, caressing him. Jake sighed and
closed his eyes as he melted into her hand. Her hands met at the base of
his neck, and she tilted his head so she could place her own soft
kisses to his skin. First, her lips found his eyelids, then the tip of
his nose, and finally his forehead, before returning to his lips.
placing one more kiss on his lips, she pulled away ever so slightly so
that she could whisper, “Will you catch me Jake?” She felt his hands
tighten his hold on her. “I'm falling for you, Jake, but I need to know
that you’ll catch me.”
again, his hands were in her hair, angling her face toward his, so he
had her complete attention, before saying, “The only place you will
fall, Gillian, is right where you are, in these arms, in my life. You
are everything to me, and I will do whatever I have to do to prove that
to you.” He leaned in to her, and she could feel his trembling lips on
hers. Leaning his forehead against hers, he whispered, “Fall, Gillian.
Go ahead and fall, and I promise I’ll catch you.”
knew he was holding himself back, and she wanted him to let go. His
whispered reassurance sounded almost desperate—he was begging her to
take a chance on him … so she took it. “Ask me again, Jake,” she
whispered back to him.
he pulled his head away from hers, he looked her in the eyes and asked
in a voice laced with passion and desperation, “Can I have you Gillian?”
She smiled at him, “Yes, Jake. You can have me … I'm yours.”
Angie J's Review:
I received this book from the author.
Now if you are a follower of my blog you know we are not the most traditional bloggers sooooo with that stated I must start this by saying I have a bit of a girlie crush on the author ...yup I sure do. She is an amazing , giving and caring person so I was honored and thrilled when she asked me to read this book for her.
The story starts out with Gillian looking around at her friends and family and thinking what a great, kickass life she has. She is happily attending to her sons birthday guest when her co-worker enters the house with...........the Home Wrecking Whore....... the woman who her husband had (as in past tense) been sleeping with. Welp guess what? Logan lied and all kinds of hell breaks lose for Gillian. Her life spins out of control and she finds herself confronting her husband in front of family and JAKE about what he has done.
Jake.....dreamy sigh.......Swooning......licking my lips in breathless anticipation for him to come to my door...oh wait better get back to the review.....So Jake takes a stand and comforts Gillian through this emotional time. Hey guess what Peps? Jake has been in total and desperate love with Gillian since they were 17!!! He didn't ball up and admit it so Logan got the girl.
Well Gillian decides to get out and start dating with the help Super Bitch Allie. Well Jake doesn't take this news very well because he has decided that he will get Gillian this time. I felt so bad for Jake at the scene when he sees "his future" leaving with another man. I was totally broken for Jake because DAMN IT I want Jake!!!
Well since this is a romance kinda guessed it, Jake and Gillian get to hitting the sheets, Couch, Bed, shower stall, etc. The scene that sets all the sexing in motion is when Jake says "Can I have you Gillian?" I was on the floor and screaming "ANSWER HIM ALREADY!!!!!! and it better damn well be a YES!!!"
Well the couple in this book area great start to this series. I loved the side plot of someone vandalizing Logan's vehicle and wondered who it was. I was pretty stunned when the person was revealed. I didn't see it coming but then again i was really only reading the book for the Jake/Gillian sex scenes at that point...JK!!!! I loved the other little surprise the author gives us for Jake and Gillian...wanna know??? Well get our "one click" finger busy and down load it from amazon already!!!!
Brenda's Review:
"Can I have you, Gillian?" That
was my favorite line from the book! It made me tear up every time I
read it! This book will suck you in from the very first chapter! You
instantly love Gillian. I want to BE Gillian when I grow up! She's one
of cc the strongest, kind, caring FORGIVING people you'll meet....but
that doesn't mean she'll take CRAP from anyone... oh no!!! You'll get s
second chance....once!!! Jake....awwwww, loved him! It's the reason I
want to be Gillian!! Patiently waits for his woman....for 16+ years!!!!
ALLIE--- OMG everyone needs an ALLIE in their life!!! I am hoping the
next book in this series is about her!!!! She needs her own book!
READ THIS BOOK! You will love it just as much as me!!#
Author Interview:
*Enters Brenda and Angie J from the Twinsie Talk Book
Reviews. The girls scan the crowded
Bronx Pizza Place. They spy Jake and
both get a little weak in the knees.
They sigh and start to stroll over while recomposing themselves*
Angie and Brenda : Hi Melanie and *giggles and blushes
because we know a lot of his personal
business * Hi Jake. Thanks for meeting
with us to talk about the book. We
promise to not take much of your time because we know you are working on the
second book Melanie and Jake we know you want to get back to Gillian.
Melanie: *hugs both ladies* Hi!
It’s so great to finally meet you both!
Jake: *stands up and shakes
hands* Hello ladies, its great to meet you.
And yes, you are correct, I want to get back to my girl.
Brenda: “So how does it feel to have your first book published
Melanie: It feels pretty surreal
most of the time. It was never something in the game plan for me. It just sort
of happened one day. And then it became what it is, and I’m so glad that I went
for it.
Angie: “Jake now that EVERYONE knows you and Gillian’s
history are any of them surprised how easily you transitioned from Friends to
more than Friends?” *wink wink*
Jake: Honestly, I don’t think
so. We have a pretty close group of friends, and Gillian and I have always been
close to each other, so for them it just seems normal. I think. Or at least I
hope it does. With the exception of Logan, for obvious reasons. But outside of
our friends, I could really care less what they think. I’ve got my girl, and
that’s all that matters to me.
Brenda: “Melanie, how long do we have to wait to read the
next book?”
Melanie: Well Brenda, I am
currently writing it. And I have high expectations for it to be complete before
the end of summer. There of course are other factors involved like editing and
cover, so I don’t have a solid date for you on that at the moment.
Angie :”Jake what do you think is the most amazing attribute
of Gillian? It can be physical or
Jake: *sighs and a big smile
spreads across his face* The way she loves. Gillian doesn’t waste her time on
people that don’t deserve her, but those in her life, get 110% of her attention
and love. They don’t have to ask for anything from her, because she gives it
before they even know they need it. She is the center of attention without
needing it or demanding it, everyone just wants to be around her.
Brenda: “Melanie some of the scenes in the book were sooo
emotional. You are either an AMAZING
writer (which is obvious) or you actually experienced something similar. How much did you experience?”
Melanie: There are quite of few
scenes that I wrote that either came from personal experience or come straight
from the fear of something like that happening. It is no secret that I was a
teenage mother and have four great kids, so all of that emotion was easy to
interpret. Scenes like the one in the driveway contain emotions that evolve
from the fear of what-if or every-woman’s-worst-nightmare type scenarios. I
simply put myself there and tried to imagine how I would feel if it were me. It
is my hope that I cried and laughed at all the same parts as any of the readers
did, showing that I put them in that position too.
Angie: “Jake how is your relationship with Logan fairing
Jake: I guess you could say it’s
better than most people would expect. Logan and I have been friends for a long
time, but we are guys, and there are definitely egos involved. I don’t
antagonize him and he behaves, because he knows this how it’s going to be. He
is now sleeping in the bed he made, and he knows it. I know it. I don’t regret
for one second that our friendship might appear strained, because even if I
wasn’t lucky enough for Gillian to fall in love with me, Logan lost my respect.
He has to earn that back. In the meantime, we act like adults because that is what
we are, and that is what Gillian wants for all of us.
Brenda: “Melanie, I think every man could learn something
from Jake. Has your husband learned
anything from Jake?”
Melanie: *lets out a laugh* Has
my husband learned anything from Jake? I would venture to say that both men
have a lot of similarities. Whether they have learned them from each other, I
don’t know. Both men posses qualities that any man should be happy to have, and
any woman should be happy to experience.
Angie: “Jake has Gillian been given a super hero
name??? If so, what is it????”
Jake: *once again smiling as he
thinks of Gillian* Well I don’t know that she has ever been given an official
title, but Super Woman comes to mind.
Brenda:”Melanie I love Gillian’s BFF, Allie! She is hilarious without a filter!! I wished more people could be like her! Do you have an Allie?”
Melanie: Actually Brenda, I have
a few Allie’s in my life. I have friends that range from old high school
friends who know some of my old secrets. As well as a group of new ones who
hold all my newer secrets. On occasion, they collide and it makes it even
Angie :”Jake what is one thing our readers would love to
know about you that we didn’t learn in your book……just one little something
that us girls can brag about being the first to learn……..come on…PLEASE…
little thing…….*snickers* it can be naughty.
Our readers LOVE naughty!!!!”
Jake: *giving Angie a sexy grin*
Well I wouldn’t want to disappoint your readers, but I have to say, I really
only do naughty for Gillian. But I would love to show you my new tattoo.
*lifting his shirt to expose his chest* Just got it done last week. It’s
obvious that its mine and Gillian’s initials, but I had to make sure it was
placed over my heart.
(It is a fancy script J with the
G entwined into it. Of course the look on Jake’s face has both of you sigh with
OMG we have had so much fun with you two…next time we hope
Gillian can come as well. Thanks for
letting us hang and ask a bunch of questions and quietly lust over you
Jake….should things not work out…just saying….we would so be there to be the
shoulders for you to cry on J
Jake: *gives a small laugh as he
stands and pulls back Melanie’s chair* Thank you for having us. I’ll will make
sure to keep that in mind. *wink* Now if you ladies will excuse me, I have to
get back to my girl.
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About the Author:
is an amazing mother of four, an awesome and tolerant wife to one, and
nurse to many. If you don’t believe her, just ask anyone in her family,
they know what to say. She is also a devoted chauffeur, the keeper of
missing socks, a genius according to a six year old, the coolest soccer
uniform coordinator according to a twelve year old, and the best damn
‘mac-n-cheese-with-cut-up-hot-dog maker in the whole world. Well that
last title isn’t really official, but it’s still pretty cool to be
called it.
not being ordered around by any of the kids, you can find her with her
nose in a book or on the sideline of a soccer game cheering on one team
or another. But that’s mostly because she has a thing for the coach.
When she is not doing all of the above, you can find her obsessed with a
group of fictional characters all vying for a spot on the page of
whatever she’s working on. It’s a fun and crazy life to lead, but
wouldn’t have it any other way.
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