Luke Kessler loved Emmy.
She broke his heart.
Then she revealed a life altering secret that brought them back together.
Time and forgiveness heal old wounds and love flourishes. Luke and Emmy find themselves reaching for a happily ever after together. When their pasts begin to push into their present and hurtful mistakes are made, the couple struggle with each other and their past demons. How much is too much? Will the couple be able to fight their way to a happily ever after? Are their lives together worth the fight?
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Angie J's review:
I received this book from the author for an honest review.
I loved this series and I have to admit Luke was my favorite of the love triangle. Sooo to say I was thrilled to see everything from his POV would be an understatement!!! He was a strong, passionate, caring man that was utterly destroyed by Em and her lies, deceit and affair. When he left her in Philly and said what he said to her, I hurt for him. I cried for him and her but mainly for him
When Em came back and we found out about the pregnancy I was so mad at him for how he treated her. Yes, I got it but I was so sad he wasn't the real man he should have been. This book we see a lot of what Luke was doing and who he was doing while he was treating Em like crap. I was floored and stunned by the issues and surprises Claire threw his way and the Vivian scene....crazy drama Mr. Kessler!!!
When Luke and Em get it together, if you read the other books, you know everything falls apart from the ex returning or Luke getting caught in a bad situation with the muffin lady. All in all I grew to love Luke even more. He really and truly wants Em and their family. He keeps fighting gor their relationship and soon he realizes she is fighting just as hard. Em has been though a lot from everything with the affair and what she went through with the ex but she will not let Luke go. The fact is really clear with how she handles the dear muffin lady!! I was cheering her on because this was the old Em who was finally BACK!!!
The couple really grow alot and seeing Luke's POV is super refreshing because we know how he feels and how much he really cares. He will stop at nothing to keep this woman and their family together no matter what. Anywho, I loved this series. It has everything I consider to be a good read....hot sexy time, drama, deceit, hurt, make up, miscommunication and humor all rolled up into a great series. If you haven't read them please do yourself a favor and one click the books.
.About the author:
L.D. Davis is the New York Times Bestselling author of the novel Accidentally On Purpose and the novella Pieces of Rhys. L.D. began writing at a very young age with consistent support from teachers and friends. When she was only thirteen years old, she wrote her first romantic novella. A few years later at the age of nineteen, she completed another. Always writing, but never attempting to publish, L.D. left many projects unfinished over the years, but when she was thirty-four years old, she self-published her first full-length novel, Accidentally On Purpose. L.D. is currently working on two more books to go along with Accidentally On Purpose, two more projects to go along with Pieces Of Rhys, and several other novels.
L.D. has a serious addiction to reading, especially contemporary romance novels. She also loves the work of Dean Koontz, Janet Evanovich and classics like Lord Of The Rings and Jane Austen’s novels. She lives in a small East Coast town with her five children and husband.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LDDavisWrites
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Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/246122
Worthy of Redemption Buy Links:
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/339460
Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00E3C679Y
Barnes And Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/worthy-of-redemption-ld-davis/1116122692?ean=2940045154550
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