Book Blurb:
A book about Aubrey and
William. They are navigating through a relationship that may have too
many hurdles... or perhaps not, as long as she can hold his hand.
Aubrey has been hurt in the past, discouraged and degraded. Still, William sees something in her that won't allow him to walk away. Instantly drawn to her but intuitive enough to take it slowly, he courts her. Then he bargains, persuades and seduces until Aubrey becomes ensnared by his commanding nature. Despite the fight she puts up in accepting William's lifestyle, the bonds he places on Aubrey give her a freedom she desperately needs. And together, they heal old wounds and find their perfect love
Aubrey has been hurt in the past, discouraged and degraded. Still, William sees something in her that won't allow him to walk away. Instantly drawn to her but intuitive enough to take it slowly, he courts her. Then he bargains, persuades and seduces until Aubrey becomes ensnared by his commanding nature. Despite the fight she puts up in accepting William's lifestyle, the bonds he places on Aubrey give her a freedom she desperately needs. And together, they heal old wounds and find their perfect love
Angie J's 4 Star Review:
I was given this book by the author for an honest review.
Can I say THANK YOU!!!! I enjoyed this book alot. I am a big BDSM reader thanks to a certain *cough cough* man who likes Grey. Anway, I have read alot of these kinds of books after my initial reaction to ssaid man. However, I have also found much Much MUCH better writing and truth to the lifestyle since reading him. I have to say it scares me how people are "flocking" to try these things out without a true understanding of what is expected or correct. In many of the BDSM books I have read of late, the people meet this DOM and boom they are thrust into a relationship without building any kind of trust. People this type of relationship is built on trust so to just blindly jump in like some books do is very scary to me. Anyway I wanted to say THANK YOU for the author for showing how to correctly begin a D/s relationship.
William is a dominate and he has become smitten with his coffee shop barista Aubrey. He comes to her coffee shop for months before actually talking to her but always watching her. Well, one day she crashes into him and *boom* spills his coffee. William doesn't ask but informs Aubrey they will be having dinner. Stunned Aubrey says Yes sir which of course pleases William to no end :) William knows Aubrey is a novice in everyway (still has the V card peps). He waits weeks before anything sexual happens because he wants her total and complete trust and faith in him and them. He is always telling her what he is doing and why he is doing things to again...build her trust. I think I loved that even though he was a very dominate male he knew Aubrey was a scared little elf . He wanted to make sure she felt safe, cherished and loved in every encounter they had even if it was just a massage or snuggle.
When the relationship gets pretty in-depth, William begins to help Aubrey with her own insecurities after years of abuse from her father. AM I suggesting that BDSM will cure a person and that they should read this....no. However, knowing the one you love feels that you are perfect and having them make you repeat it until you actually start to believe it is a great way to build yourself up.
I really enjoyed this story and the dramatic ending had me holding my breath for Aubrey and William. I cannot wait for book 2 but not until 2014....makes me become a very impatient subbie for sure :)
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Thank you for such a thoughtful review. I'm happy you enjoyed it! :)