Book Blurb:
It’s been centuries since the last Great Other War that plunged the
human race into the dark ages. Pulling away from the gods, and other
creatures God had sent to watch over them, humans have made a go of it
for themselves, trying to find their own path, and in the process they
have changed the world from flat to round and created a universe to go
with it. The gods, angels and demons are still there, but left behind,
ignored, while the humans flourish. But the Others haven’t forgotten the
Ki was content living her quiet, orderly little life on the outskirts of the city pack as a runt. She’d built up her own business as a freelance researcher and while she didn’t have much, she had more than enough for her. Then she wakes one morning to find that two days of her life are missing, supposedly spent with not just one man, but two, and she suddenly has breasts. Not to mention two tails when she shifts. If that isn’t bad enough, her apartment building catches fire and someone in the smoke wants her dead.
On the run, Ki finds herself in strange company, from Gods to mythical creatures, and sorting out who wants her dead from who wants her alive isn’t going to be easy. With a little divine help, and some old friends, she just might make it out of this mess alive, or lose everything before she even knew what she had.
Book Clips and since we are the host, yup I am soooo doing 2 clips :)
Clip 1:
Ki was content living her quiet, orderly little life on the outskirts of the city pack as a runt. She’d built up her own business as a freelance researcher and while she didn’t have much, she had more than enough for her. Then she wakes one morning to find that two days of her life are missing, supposedly spent with not just one man, but two, and she suddenly has breasts. Not to mention two tails when she shifts. If that isn’t bad enough, her apartment building catches fire and someone in the smoke wants her dead.
On the run, Ki finds herself in strange company, from Gods to mythical creatures, and sorting out who wants her dead from who wants her alive isn’t going to be easy. With a little divine help, and some old friends, she just might make it out of this mess alive, or lose everything before she even knew what she had.
Book Clips and since we are the host, yup I am soooo doing 2 clips :)
Clip 1:
Shaking her head, Ki rolled her
eyes. “If I hadn't been in heat you wouldn't have looked twice at me,” she said
Val shook his head. “I couldn't
smell you when I spotted you on that floor,” he said in his rough voice. “I
didn't approach you because of your scent.
That came later.”
Ki looked over at him slowly.
“Then why?”
Val stared at her for a long
moment. “You were beautiful,” he said finally.
Ki blinked, taken aback by the
soft vehemence in his voice. Giving the slightest shake of her head, she fell
back a step. “I was little and...”
“Lithe,” Fen said, breaking
into her words. “Toned.”
As one they began to stalk
towards her and Ki could only watch them come, unable to move, barely able to
“Graceful,” Val said.
“Uh...” Ki held up her hands to
ward them off. It didn't work, they just circled around her. Turning to follow
one meant the other was always behind her and once out of her sight, they
touched her. The brushes were light, but raised goosebumps along her skin and
caused her muscles to quiver.
Ki shook her head again.
“Why?” Fen asked, catching her
gaze as he came to her front.
“I don't play games,” Ki said,
irritation sparking to life inside of her.
“Neither do we,” Val said from
her side.
She turned to follow him as he
moved in front of her. He paused reaching out to stroke a finger down his
“All pale skin,” Val said
He moved on, and Fen came into
view. Ki fell back another step, drawing her hurt arm into her good one and
cradling it.
“Haunting eyes,” Fen said.
Ki fell back again and ran into
the solid wall of Val's chest. His hands caught at her hips, holding her there,
not with his grip, but with his heat and scent. Ki froze, her eyes fluttering
shut as the feel of him set off a chain reaction inside of her. Without
thinking she reached for Fen, and he came, gently cupping her arm for her as he
pressed into her front. Val's erection twitched against her back, and Fen's lay
heavily against her stomach, both hard and insistent. It was as unnerving as it
was wonderful.
“We were attracted to you,” Fen
said his lips against her ear. “You being in heat had nothing to do with that
initial attraction, and you're certainly not in heat now, and the attraction is
still there.”
“No buts, sugar,” Val said
roughly. “The heat caught me off guard, I admit, but I went to you with all
sorts of ideas of what I wanted to do to that sweet body of yours before I
caught one whiff of your scent.”
His mouth rested next to her
other ear, his breath just as heated as Fen's. She was trapped between them,
pinned against them, and she'd never felt so damn safe in her life. A face
nuzzled into each side of her neck at the same time, and she dropped her head
back, blinking up at the ceiling. She felt each of them reach for the other at
the same time, sliding their arms along their bodies, so they could touch each
other as well, which just made it worse. It felt like they were connected, that
something inside of her was linked to each of them, and them to her, and they
to each other in a circle that was self-fulfilling and complete. She felt
complete. Shaken by the thought, Ki pushed against them quickly. To her utter
surprise both men released her, making sure she was steady on her feet before
stepping away.
“We won't force you,” Fen said
softly, as if he could read her mind.
Clip 2:
Ki's eyes started to close then
opened again quickly. “Why am I naked?” she asked, cheeks turning bright red.
“You have been in your fox form
for several days now,” Val said, his lips moving up her back to her neck.
Ki squirmed. “Where's my pack?”
“Hazel undid the buckle,” Fen
said nuzzling closer to her face, and whispering his lips over her cheek.
Ki wiggled and froze. “Why are
you both naked?” she asked, voice breathy.
“Because we are very happy to
have you back,” Fen said, running his mouth down her cheek to her jaw.
“That's not...” Ki strangled on
the words, took in a deep breath and tried again. “That is not nearly a good
enough reason.”
“We want to show you,” Val
said, nipping at her neck gently.
Ki sucked in another breath of
air, as tremors started in her body. “Fen?”
“Shhh little one,” he said,
brushing a soft kiss to her lips. “Aren't you tired of fighting us yet?”
Ki blinked up at him when he
pulled back then turned to see Val looking down at her as well. “But...”
“We know the risks, sugar,” Val
said quietly. “We want you still.”
“We will always want you,” Fen
said drawing her attention back to him.
“I don't...”
“You do understand,” Fen said
with a sigh. “You hide from it, but you understand. You knew we would come for
Ki swallowed hard. “Yes.”
“You know we will come for you
no matter what,” Val said.
Ki closed her eyes. “Yes.”
“You are ours little one,” Fen
He waited, breath held as she
took one deep breath after another. Her eyes stayed shut, and tremors still
wracked her body, but she said nothing, did nothing. He waited, Val waited, and
it was all they could do. The moment dragged on till Fen thought he might
explode, and then tawny eyes were flickering open finding his, before
fluttering shut again.
“Yes,” Ki said voice so low it
wasn't even a whisper.
Fen and Val's response was
immediate. Fen swept her into his arms, turning with her so she was laying
against him, her back snuggled to his front, arms crossing over her chest to
keep her still. He nuzzled at her neck as Val moved over her. Her eyes opened
as her lips parted in surprise as she stared up at Val. Her body moved, and Fen
knew it was time. No more waiting.
“We will mark you this time,
little one,” Fen said, lips pressed to her ear. “They will all know who you
belong to. Who will come for you.”
“They will all know who they
will answer to should you come to harm,” Val said on a growl lowering his head.
Ki turned her head, a whimper
escaping her. “What have you done to me?” she asked them softly.
Val ran his hands down her
sides gently, his look going soft. “You are our mate.”
“Our heart,” Fen said, nuzzling
her cheek gently. “Our soul.”
Ki turned her head so she could
see him, tawny eyes filled with tears. “But...”
Fen stared into her eyes for a
long moment. “Our love,” he said freeing his hand to touch her cheek.
He wiped away the tear that
spilled over and she turned, trying to hide only to have Val there, wiping
another away. There was no time, Fen thought, soothing her with light touches
as he rocked her gently. Val was kissing her, stroking her skin, and whispering
to her, while Fen pressed his face back into her neck. There was no time to do
this properly, to win her, to show her or prove it to her, and he knew she
wanted that, maybe even needed it, but there was no time. They had almost lost
her, and neither could wait any longer.
“Astin min,” Val said, brushing
his lips over hers.
Angie J's Review:
I was given this book by the author for an honest review.
WOW, AMAZING, FRESH, NEW, EXCITING, DIFFERENT, COOL and FREAKING AWESOME!! Those are the words I use to describe this amazing new series.
So I was approached by the author for a review and I admit Paranormal is a favorite genera so I said sure. Well this book is soooo much more then JUST a Paranormal. It is totally a mythological book that pits our current God and Angels vs Norse Gods and their legends. I love mythology so this book was totally up my alley. I loved reading about Odin,Thor, Loki and then Archangel Gabriel all fighting over Earth and its control. Now the Paranormal aspect is the fact that the main characters can shift into a animals. I have to admit I feel like I am in on a super secret with this novel. It is just so amazing.
OK the novel is a long novel at 451 ebook pages. So if you are looking for a quick read this is not your book. But trust me when I say invest the time. This book is WORTH it. I started it on Sunday and finished it Thursday. I am a quick reader but the book is intense with information that I would stop reading and think about what I read. I have to say I loved that fact it stuck with me and made me RECALL information I learned in school about these mythological characters or even recount my Bible stories about the angels.
Now so you know, this is the beginning of a series. As with ANY new series there is world building and character building. So do you get a lot of details and information? YES!! Do you need to read this information ? YES!! The author does a great job building the world, stories of the side characters helping the main heroes and heroine.
The story in a quick, quick summary.....Ki wakes up and has dreams of having sex with not 1 but 2 men who she doesn't even know. She is the runt of her pack and was told she would never mature and go into heat but WELL she did. She gets shot and goes on the run. She gets her aunt to help her and that is when allllllll the characters start to find Ki. She meets Loki and Hazel (who ,Like, cracks me up cuz she thinks, like, everything is totally awesome.) and then meets THE Wolves *wipes drool off the computer keyboard and fans myself a bit* Vali and Fenrir. Well a lot more happens to her from being kidnapped, tortured, saves an assassin, saves a lost king......I mean people the girl does a lot of crap and has basically been raised as a human shifter with no knowledge of the "other" part of her. HAHA You think I will tell you everything, heck no!!!
people IF you think this book sounds good or are even kinda thinking
"maybe", trust me. Buy the book. I really really enjoyed this book.
It is long and sometimes there is alot going on and alot of information
being given but it all makes sense in the end!!!
Author Biology:
TJ Rowser grew up on a working farm that left her with plenty of time to
explore her imagination while performing lots of physical labor. The
older she got, the more that imagination expanded, and the less she
liked the hard physical labor aspect. It took too much time away from
the stories in head. Working through a string of office jobs, she found
her niche in a helpdesk and settled down to raise a family while happily
sitting around exploring the worlds that kept springing to life in her
mind. When that wasn't quite enough, she started writing them down and
sharing them out, which leads us here, to an author's page, and a book
filled with the characters that knock around in her head on a daily
basis. They (the characters) are quite pleased with the result and so is
she, since happy characters make for a much quieter mind.
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Great Review twinsies!! TJ I am so excited to follow you on your blog hop and I can't wait to read Kitsune Tales even more now after those 2 teasers!!!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great start to a new series. It will have to go on my buy list.